An edit provides feedback that will equip you to reimagine your novel, stories, or work of narrative nonfiction—and to revise with clarity and energy.
We approach reading with openness and alertness. We go into an edit with all senses alive to possibility, and to noticing where we stumble or hesitate. We zero in on what is most relevant to the work now, and with a view to what might be needed in the future, through successive revisions.
We consider the work’s intention and execution in terms of large-scale elements such as structure, concept, drama, development of ideas, pacing, momentum, character, voice, and dialogue. And we examine the writing line by line, considering how its broader intentions are expressed in details such as language use, clarity, cadence, and flow.
In our notes, we aim to reflect back to you a sense of what is happening on the page—a sense of what is working and what is not.
To learn more about our sensibilities as editors—how we see the work we do together and with you—check out a blog post.
To learn more about what happens next, and what the editorial package we send you might consist of, please see our submissions page.
To discuss your project, and how an edit might benefit it, please feel welcome to send us an email.
A mentorship is an ongoing one-on-one relationship between writer and editor. The exchange might involve discussions about process, skills coaching, and assessments of your writing as it evolves.
We work with you in the way that best suits your process and pace. You might find it useful to have conversations about the questions that arise in the course of your exploration or revision, or you might prefer to check in at regular intervals about the work you have produced. We want to help you exploit the strategies that most benefit you and your project.
Please send us an email to discuss mentorship, and whether it’s right for you and where you’re at.
Edit Squared An expanded conversation
Edit Squared is a way to move into a deeper examination of your project or to complete a detailed final polish of your manuscript.
In two consecutive or simultaneous reads we look at your work in broad strokes, and in the finer details—in collaboration with each other and with you.
Working on your project with two editors means you get the benefit of different sensibilities and a broader understanding of how readers respond to the complex and layered aspects of your work.
Do you have a manuscript whose unique qualities make it a candidate for a dual reading, edit, and discussion? Please feel welcome to send us an email.